My thoughts on the betterment of the board. Forum system comments and questions. Please post registration, login, or general forum usage problems here.
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Post by deucestudios »

This forum is full of mental giants compared to places I've searched for automotive info in the past, and I've only been here short of a year.
You should be proud of the maturity level here, especially without moderation.
Try asking about parts on bf.c, clubcivic, or vwvortex's mark 4 forums.
Take a jaunt over to jeepforum, and try to read a post...

Forums are like junkyards.
You want the good part/info?
Sift through the bullshit.
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Post by shagrath »

Rich in WI wrote:
While I think this was a harsh way of putting it, this is a great example of how liberal politics and "big goverment" growth works: finding places to put red tape and isolating those who are too "rough" for competition and putting them in a little box, unable to grow. God, I hate bureaucracy!!!
Wow, talk about a one note song. I'm not sure what any of the "liberal politics" or "big government" or "red tape" have to do with anything related to the E28 community. What matters is the quality of the community, not some Darwinian world view being exercised via Internet forums.

Rich in WI
Well, if you were paying attention to posts earlier in this thread, I was merely making a comparison. Comparing big gov't. tactics to MB's proposals. :brick:
Tammer in Philly
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Re: My thoughts on the betterment of the board.

Post by Tammer in Philly »

Milwaukee's Best wrote:What do people think of the following?

1. Common courtesy and respect as a matter of rule enforced by Beamters. Disruptive members warned, reprimanded and banned if necessary.
2. Creation of a few new sub forums such as “Election year politics”, “Look at me (what I am doing)” unrelated to the e28. This would allow members to avoid posts that are potentially disruptive or annoying rather easily.
3. Creation and enforcement of rules pertaining to for sale adverts. Primarily no comments that disparage the original poster’s attempt at a sale.

Some easily implemented changes may improve this forum for all.
I'd be all for 1 and 3, with the caveat that if someone is being stupid (willfully, not just making a mistake), they should be called on it. Number two is what "General Conversation" means.

FirstFives Dictator
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Re: My thoughts on the betterment of the board.

Post by FirstFives Dictator »

L_N_Love wrote:
I would support that. I don't think anyone should post anything that they would not say face to face in person. I consider anything beyond that as a comment by a "keyboard kommando" .
Holy smokes, that would change the tone and timber of every message board on the internet.

I like to say that 99.9% of the time, the First Fives board is like that. Yeah, we're a little boring sometimes, just talking about e12's. But it works for us.
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Post by arcangel »

Ive got one thing to say!

DOUCHE! :banana:
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Post by rlomba8204 »

Why not just ignore the stupidity and juvenile stuff and in that manner it will self-correct? Otherwise you have to give a small group of people a great deal of additional work.

We've done this here with certain, not-to-be-named people here who hail from New England, and it has worked really well. Just ignore it.

The other thing is that sure sometimes the discussions get vigorous, but I also think that once in a while that's a good thing, as long as everyone is still friends at the end of it. Otherwise this place will be B-O-R-I-N-G.
C.R. Krieger
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Re: My thoughts on the betterment of the board.

Post by C.R. Krieger »

eurowannabe wrote:
Milwaukee's Best wrote:What do people think of the following?

1. Common courtesy and respect as a matter of rule enforced by Beamters. Disruptive members warned, reprimanded and banned if necessary.
2. Creation of a few new sub forums such as “Election year politics”, “Look at me (what I am doing)” unrelated to the e28. This would allow members to avoid posts that are potentially disruptive or annoying rather easily.
3. Creation and enforcement of rules pertaining to for sale adverts. Primarily no comments that disparage the original poster’s attempt at a sale.

Some easily implemented changes may improve this forum for all.

Before anyone comes here and starts suggesting new rules one should be able to live by them.

1. Would you say the post you started about the board "going down the toilet" was showing any respect, or common courtesy? Throughout that thread you continued to be critical....right to the end.
Maybe why he started this one. I would like to think he took my idea and ran with it. Whatever the reason, offering concrete suggestions for how he thinks the board might improve is a helluva lot better than just saying it sucks. So back off and give this a chance for real consideration instead of assuming that, just because Todd said it, and he offended you in the past, it must be bad.
2. If you think this forum is in the toilet now just add a political forum. To see how that would go you need to visit the RF political forum and read the exchanges. This one new forum would be the death of the mye28 community.
Yeah; the RF Politics Lounge is creepy enough that I left years ago. But the clowns there are, just like Roadfly in general, a lot less cohesive than this group. They rarely know one another personally nor do they have anything like 5er Fest where they'd meet. So it doesn't bother them in the least to be Keyboard Kommandos pissing one another off endlessly. The difference here is, the likelihood that you'll eventually meet is pretty damn good if you're an active participant. I've sat in Todd's car and I've had dinner beside Duke. Either one could kick my ass in much less than 5 minutes ... :( Still, I'll call 'em on it when they're being jerks just as they will me when I am. I respect them as I want them to respect me because I expect we will meet again.

I've seen this issue dealt with in a number of manners in similarly cohesive groups. One, under relentless assault by a particularly disagreeable Ron Paul disciple simply dumped all the extraneous subforums and banned him (although I think the banning could have done the job effectively). BMW MOA's user forums had the equivalent of a 'Politics Lounge' (called "Don't Go There", which carried prominent warnings about the nastiness within) as well as a still-maintained 'Doghouse'. The 'Doghouse' is where threads are moved when they turn nasty. I don't think it would be a bad idea to have a Doghouse/DGT. If you don't want to be involved, just don't read it. I don't find it nearly as disagreeable to have a thread moved into the Doghouse as to find it deleted, censored, or locked by a Beamter.
Although some here will stir the pot and get the ire up for a large number of us there are very few of these disruptive posters, most get bashed up pretty good by the board members when they get out of line. Creating more "police" may eventually be a solution, but for now I think the board does a pretty good job of policing itself.
I tend to agree, but maybe one relatively simple rule (that, again, is used in the MOA forum) would help. Stop the malicious name-calling. Most of the time, it's obvious whether it's intended maliciously, and a warning should be almost automatic. Still, I think we ought to be able to call one another 'idiot' or 'moron' once in awhile as long as it's obviously intended in fun and is perceived as such. For example, if I said, "Only a truly depraved individual would paint his car with blackboard paint and write all over it.", on its face, that would be calling C.J. "a truly depraved individual". But because we're pals, he'd probably be laughing as he read that. If there is any question, a Beamter need only ask C.J. if he's offended - or C.J. can PM a Beamter about it. If so, I get asked to edit my statement. If I don't, it gets edited anyway and I can face suspension or banning. I don't think that's too heavy-handed or involved.

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Post by rlomba8204 »

You're an idiot.

How's that for a helpful response? :D

(I'll make a useful contribution, or at least attempt to do so, later.)
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Re: My thoughts on the betterment of the board.

Post by eurowannabe »

C.R. Krieger wrote:
eurowannabe wrote:
Milwaukee's Best wrote:What do people think of the following?

1. Common courtesy and respect as a matter of rule enforced by Beamters. Disruptive members warned, reprimanded and banned if necessary.
2. Creation of a few new sub forums such as “Election year politics”, “Look at me (what I am doing)” unrelated to the e28. This would allow members to avoid posts that are potentially disruptive or annoying rather easily.
3. Creation and enforcement of rules pertaining to for sale adverts. Primarily no comments that disparage the original poster’s attempt at a sale.

Some easily implemented changes may improve this forum for all.

Before anyone comes here and starts suggesting new rules one should be able to live by them.

1. Would you say the post you started about the board "going down the toilet" was showing any respect, or common courtesy? Throughout that thread you continued to be critical....right to the end.
Maybe why he started this one. I would like to think he took my idea and ran with it. Whatever the reason, offering concrete suggestions for how he thinks the board might improve is a helluva lot better than just saying it sucks. So back off and give this a chance for real consideration instead of assuming that, just because Todd said it, and he offended you in the past, it must be bad.
2. If you think this forum is in the toilet now just add a political forum. To see how that would go you need to visit the RF political forum and read the exchanges. This one new forum would be the death of the mye28 community.
Yeah; the RF Politics Lounge is creepy enough that I left years ago. But the clowns there are, just like Roadfly in general, a lot less cohesive than this group. They rarely know one another personally nor do they have anything like 5er Fest where they'd meet. So it doesn't bother them in the least to be Keyboard Kommandos pissing one another off endlessly. The difference here is, the likelihood that you'll eventually meet is pretty damn good if you're an active participant. I've sat in Todd's car and I've had dinner beside Duke. Either one could kick my ass in much less than 5 minutes ... :( Still, I'll call 'em on it when they're being jerks just as they will me when I am. I respect them as I want them to respect me because I expect we will meet again.

I've seen this issue dealt with in a number of manners in similarly cohesive groups. One, under relentless assault by a particularly disagreeable Ron Paul disciple simply dumped all the extraneous subforums and banned him (although I think the banning could have done the job effectively). BMW MOA's user forums had the equivalent of a 'Politics Lounge' (called "Don't Go There", which carried prominent warnings about the nastiness within) as well as a still-maintained 'Doghouse'. The 'Doghouse' is where threads are moved when they turn nasty. I don't think it would be a bad idea to have a Doghouse/DGT. If you don't want to be involved, just don't read it. I don't find it nearly as disagreeable to have a thread moved into the Doghouse as to find it deleted, censored, or locked by a Beamter.
Although some here will stir the pot and get the ire up for a large number of us there are very few of these disruptive posters, most get bashed up pretty good by the board members when they get out of line. Creating more "police" may eventually be a solution, but for now I think the board does a pretty good job of policing itself.
I tend to agree, but maybe one relatively simple rule (that, again, is used in the MOA forum) would help. Stop the malicious name-calling. Most of the time, it's obvious whether it's intended maliciously, and a warning should be almost automatic. Still, I think we ought to be able to call one another 'idiot' or 'moron' once in awhile as long as it's obviously intended in fun and is perceived as such. For example, if I said, "Only a truly depraved individual would paint his car with blackboard paint and write all over it.", on its face, that would be calling C.J. "a truly depraved individual". But because we're pals, he'd probably be laughing as he read that. If there is any question, a Beamter need only ask C.J. if he's offended - or C.J. can PM a Beamter about it. If so, I get asked to edit my statement. If I don't, it gets edited anyway and I can face suspension or banning. I don't think that's too heavy-handed or involved.

Just a few.

I'll give Todd HUGE KUDOS for coming back and trying to add something positive, if he can continue to play nice without insulting people here I'll be happy to have him on board.

My commentary was to make a point that being a hypocrite, as it pertains to courtesy and respect...and how he displayed neither in his 'toilet" post, is not the way to enlightenment.

A slight correction: There are at least 2 6er events (sharkfests) a year, on opposite coasts, and a 3rd one (I co-hosted in Vegas) was discontinued 2 years ago, the 6er group is tighter than you might think.....although I wouldn't rate it as high as our 5er family. It seems there are a few more distructive assholes leading that group around. I'll skip all the gory details.

Doghouse? Maybe Outhouse would be a better name. laugh:

Considering the varied personalities here I think the forum members do a damn good job of policing their own, lets not complicate things too much.

We've handled a few members just by ignoring them, others you've had to banish, for the most part I think problem posters are being handled effectively as they come up.....and I want to thank all our members for policing the site and jumping on those needing it. A gang mentality has it's place.

....oh, for the record, I'm all for a little poking fun at others...providing it is as you suggested...between friends and intended to be fun.

Great commentary CR, thanks for your input. :up:
Ryan Murphy
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Post by Ryan Murphy »

Come on--let's be honest: Todd is not adding anything positive, he's just complaining again! He doesn't feel like he's getting the respect/stroking he deserves, and rather than change his own behavior (stop whining, get back to discussing turbos and things he's knowledgeable about, and make his posts interesting to read) he wants the board to change to suit him (which in essence entails people he thinks have been mean to him being reprimanded).

I've been around for the three iterations of this board, and have watched Todd be plenty negative about plenty of people and their projects. Anyone who turbos their car without his products gets his contempt, anyone who makes any significant HP gains without his products gets his contempt. (Go back and find his negative remarks when Aaron installed the V8 in his car.)

Hey--that's alright. He makes his living selling parts. And from what I've seen, they are great parts.

This board was started to get away from overly controlling moderators at Roadfly, right? This is the busiest and most interesting E28 (and I think BMW) board around. It's doing just fine. Let's get back to politics, BMW's, and what Kyle should do for a living. ;)
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Post by shagrath »

Ryan Murphy wrote:This board was started to get away from overly controlling moderators at Roadfly, right? This is the busiest and most interesting E28 (and I think BMW) board around. It's doing just fine. Let's get back to politics, BMW's, and what Kyle should do for a living.;)
FirstFives Dictator
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Post by FirstFives Dictator »

Ryan Murphy wrote:(Go back and find his negative remarks when Aaron installed the V8 in his car.)
That's weird.
Todd mentioned to me that it was one of the nicest conversions he had ever seen.

Of course that was by phone, so maybe that's different.
Patrick McHugh
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Post by Patrick McHugh »

Shawn D. wrote:
Patrick McHugh wrote:I've been here longer than a year, can I say what I think?
Did you really think I was suggesting there was a time requirement to make comments? I'll answer that -- no, I don't think you did. I believe you understood perfectly well what I meant.

Twisting and/or misrepresenting someone else's statements isn't beneficial to board harmony.
No, I did think that, because that's what you typed on your keyboard, that's what I read on my computer screen, and it fit the context of the situation.

Harmony Schmarmony, your grammar checking takes away some amount of harmony in this place in a worse way than a misplaced apostrophe or a misspelled word would.
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Post by C.J. »

Actually yes, CR, I did laugh when I read that, cause it's true!

Oh and Patrick, I don't know about you but I've learned more about proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation from Shawn D. than I ever have in a classroom.
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Post by bkbimmer »

How about we just talk about cars and car related topics and forget about all the other BS :argue:
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Post by twin55 »

bkbimmer wrote:How about we just talk about cars and car related topics and forget about all the other BS :argue:
Family talks about everything, btw, we are family :alright: ;)
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Post by arcangel »

Patrick McHugh wrote:
Shawn D. wrote:
Patrick McHugh wrote:I've been here longer than a year, can I say what I think?
Did you really think I was suggesting there was a time requirement to make comments? I'll answer that -- no, I don't think you did. I believe you understood perfectly well what I meant.

Twisting and/or misrepresenting someone else's statements isn't beneficial to board harmony.
No, I did think that, because that's what you typed on your keyboard, that's what I read on my computer screen, and it fit the context of the situation.

Harmony Schmarmony, your grammar checking takes away some amount of harmony in this place in a worse way than a misplaced apostrophe or a misspelled word would.
I agree witt Dis stetment!
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Post by arcangel »

theseeker411 wrote:Actually yes, CR, I did laugh when I read that, cause it's true!

Oh and Patrick, I don't know about you but I've learned more about proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation from Shawn D. than I ever have in a classroom.
Then Shawn should be a teacher and start a site devoted to spelling and grammar. I dont know about you but I come here to learn about my car. If you want to teach me something teach me that! :argue:
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Post by T_C_D »

Thanks for all the responses both positive and negative. You'll be gald to know that I decided not to buy ;)
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Post by option00002 »

Milwaukee's Best wrote:Thanks for all the responses both positive and negative. You'll be gald to know that I decided not to buy ;)

What an utterly laughable comment. Shit, I didn’t know it was on the block. Perhaps I am in the market for a website? After all I have a friend down the street who can likely host it. What is the reserve?

Seriously, what is it you hoped to accomplish? Re-invent a former entity only calculable/measureable against your mind’s variances/tolerances? The fact of the matter is we have a conglomerate of individuals who adore this peculiar, arguably fugly means of transportation. That is the uniqueness young or old. By God the fact a 19 year old would have any interest in this dinosaur boggles the mind (or mine at the very least) let alone an senior gent.

As for conduct I see/have seen ... your spots/posts Leopard. I have witnessed plenty that devalues your point, yet pays homage to the lax, rather refreshing attitude of this board. Put your purse down and play ball…

I personally would love to have you back. I encourage you to embrace the change and work with what is here. Otherwise, why on earth are you back? Again laughable. One might argue you have an undeniable connection to this gruppe/car/demographic. Well accept that already and pal up in the huddle. Otherwise, pound sand and quit off-putting our attentions/intentions!

Take it for what it is.


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Post by ismellfish2 »

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Post by bkbimmer »

twin55 wrote:
bkbimmer wrote:How about we just talk about cars and car related topics and forget about all the other BS :argue:
Family talks about everything, btw, we are family :alright: ;)
Well I hate my family and don't talk to them ;)
Shawn D.
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Post by Shawn D. »

Patrick McHugh wrote:
Shawn D. wrote:
Patrick McHugh wrote:I've been here longer than a year, can I say what I think?
Did you really think I was suggesting there was a time requirement to make comments? I'll answer that -- no, I don't think you did. I believe you understood perfectly well what I meant.

Twisting and/or misrepresenting someone else's statements isn't beneficial to board harmony.
No, I did think that, because that's what you typed on your keyboard, that's what I read on my computer screen, and it fit the context of the situation.
Well, you need to re-read it and re-think it, but I'll explain it to you anyhow since you're playing dense:

1) All groups/societies have pecking orders and rankings based on age, time in that group/society, contributions to that group/society, and/or a person's (or animal's) ability. I'm sure you understand this, don't you? I'm not asking if you think that's "fair" or "correct," just whether you understand that's the way things work.

2) Todd has been on MyE28 since it began, and before that on Roadfly, contributing all the while. Before he and Sweeney started TCD, he volunteered at 5er Fest, and after that, he sponsored 5er Fest. Todd has significant rank here, whether anyone likes it or not -- w0014170 does not possess near the same rank. Where does w0014170 get off saying what he did to Todd?

3) In no way did I say that w0014170 didn't have enough time here to comment. It simply is not there. I made a point that a short-timer with few contributions shouldn't be saying such things to a long-timer who has made many contributions. Read #1 and #2 again and then consider what I said to w0014170: "You haven't been here a year yet and are being unnecessarily rude to a longstanding member who has contributed a great deal to the board and events like 5er Fest."

Do you understand what I said now?
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Post by apbails »

Dinan e28 wrote:Thats how it used to be around here, not any more. Im sick of all the lame off topics, and lame ass name calling. People need to grow up or go home.
No Joke.
How 'bout we stick to the cars? They're ever so interesting.
Patrick McHugh
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Post by Patrick McHugh »

Shawn D. wrote:
Patrick McHugh wrote:
Shawn D. wrote:
Patrick McHugh wrote:I've been here longer than a year, can I say what I think?
Did you really think I was suggesting there was a time requirement to make comments? I'll answer that -- no, I don't think you did. I believe you understood perfectly well what I meant.

Twisting and/or misrepresenting someone else's statements isn't beneficial to board harmony.
No, I did think that, because that's what you typed on your keyboard, that's what I read on my computer screen, and it fit the context of the situation.
Well, you need to re-read it and re-think it, but I'll explain it to you anyhow since you're playing dense:

1) All groups/societies have pecking orders and rankings based on age, time in that group/society, contributions to that group/society, and/or a person's (or animal's) ability. I'm sure you understand this, don't you? I'm not asking if you think that's "fair" or "correct," just whether you understand that's the way things work.

2) Todd has been on MyE28 since it began, and before that on Roadfly, contributing all the while. Before he and Sweeney started TCD, he volunteered at 5er Fest, and after that, he sponsored 5er Fest. Todd has significant rank here, whether anyone likes it or not -- w0014170 does not possess near the same rank. Where does w0014170 get off saying what he did to Todd?

3) In no way did I say that w0014170 didn't have enough time here to comment. It simply is not there. I made a point that a short-timer with few contributions shouldn't be saying such things to a long-timer who has made many contributions. Read #1 and #2 again and then consider what I said to w0014170: "You haven't been here a year yet and are being unnecessarily rude to a longstanding member who has contributed a great deal to the board and events like 5er Fest."

Do you understand what I said now?
I see what you mean now. Thanks for clarifying.
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Post by PROJECT. E28 »

all i have to say is that i am all for the new changes to the forums. I might even add a few suggestions. Like a new GUI (graphic User Interface) Make it look really nice. And another thing, i don't know if we have this or not, but i think My E28 Stickers would be great. I tell every e28 owner i come across about the board and i just think its time for some TLC on the My E28 Board.

And a Off Topic Section is an excellent idea because when i got to general conversation, i expect it to be about what the subtitle states: General conversations about BMW E28s and the people who own them. Not political crap that some people, like myself, are not interested in.

Im sure we are all aware of, i like the way they have there site set up, so i think that set up for My e28 would be excellent.

Dan 8)
Patrick McHugh
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Post by Patrick McHugh »

Bimmerforums is made of Poop.
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Post by FastFiver »

528bullet wrote:all i have to say is that i am all for the new changes to the forums. I might even add a few suggestions. Like a new GUI (graphic User Interface) Make it look really nice. And another thing, i don't know if we have this or not, but i think My E28 Stickers would be great. I tell every e28 owner i come across about the board and i just think its time for some TLC on the My E28 Board.

And a Off Topic Section is an excellent idea because when i got to general conversation, i expect it to be about what the subtitle states: General conversations about BMW E28s and the people who own them. Not political crap that some people, like myself, are not interested in.

Im sure we are all aware of, i like the way they have there site set up, so i think that set up for My e28 would be excellent.

Dan 8)
Ahhhh... I remember when I arrived on the mye28 scene, back in 2003, and had a similar suggestion, which was met with vitriol and ignorance. Eventually, the forum did change to a better format; one that has single-line threads and a great search function (thanks google!) ohhhh do I remember the shitty one on the old forum.... ahhh memories!
Dinan e28
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Post by Dinan e28 »

My e28 Veterans, what happened to no religion and politics
I think we need to get back to cars. And keep it real.
Shawn D.
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Post by Shawn D. »

Patrick McHugh wrote:
Shawn D. wrote:Do you understand what I said now?
I see what you mean now. Thanks for clarifying.
You're welcome. I'm glad we understand each other now.
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