DRP535 wrote:If I had posted this request on every other board I can think of, the answer would have been an immediate "Get f$%ked! I'm the moderator and what I says goes!" followed by an instant non-negotiable lifetime ban
Well, there's always that. How 'bout it, Beamters?
Seriously, Dean, I'd give Firefox a shot anyway. I, too, am stuck with a few (business) apps that insist on using IE, but that doesn't keep me from using Firefox as much as possible, even though I struggle with the annoying glitch that starts autobrowsing with any special characters entered in a text box (like an apostrophe or slash in these reply boxes; for some reason, switching the 'smooth scrolling' option fixes it - temporarily). Firefox has a little plugin that lets you open & view pages in IE tabs or in an IE window, if you prefer. But the best part is, lots less crashing.
IE Tab- it's great. You designate certain sites as IE sites in your preferences, then they automatically open within your browser with IE, without you being able to tell that anything but Firefox is running. It's great. Firefox in general is way way better.
I live with a bunch of computer science people and they tell me that Firefox has a built in troubleshooter that helps you write code for it. This means that every bored dork in America and elsewhere can come up with cool things that Firefox should be able to do, write them, then you can download them from Mozilla.
On a related note: Would it be possible to implement a "disable signatures" preference setting? I really hate how some people just rely on the auto-resize so have massive images in their signature.
Santah wrote:On a related note: Would it be possible to implement a "disable signatures" preference setting? I really hate how some people just rely on the auto-resize so have massive images in their signature.
It's easier said than done as an individual user preference, unless someone has created a phpBB modification file. I too would like the feature!
I use Firefox and simply Adblock everyone's signature picture. It makes the visual 'signal-to-noise' ratio go up a few notches and allows easier scanning of a thread. But that doesn't help if the person wants to post long text signatures. Trying to read someone's one-line post when they 10 lines of text & various crap in their signature makes for a supremely annoying experience.