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Pic request: Priming pulse settings
Posted: Dec 23, 2012 3:23 AM
by Nebraska_e28
Over the summer I was fighting with an issue of my plugs fouling out due to the engine flooding out on a cold start. I (believe) I traced this down to whatever plugs I was using at the time being a couple ranges too cold (i think). During my troubleshooting I turned off the priming pulses. Well now that weather has turned cold, there's no way that will do. I'd like to see some pictures (or data) of what folks have their priming pulse settings at.
Below is what I believe previously worked for me. This look good?
Posted: Dec 23, 2012 10:18 AM
by Shadow
depends on injector size too.
I use 0. Never get's cold enough I guess.
Posted: Dec 23, 2012 10:24 AM
by Nebraska_e28
Shadow wrote:depends on injector size too.
I use 0. Never get's cold enough I guess.
42lbs injectors. Temp has been 0F to 32F this winter.
Posted: Dec 23, 2012 1:18 PM
by turbodan
Priming pulse should be set to zero per the guidelines on msextra. Cranking pulsewidth should be all you need. If disabling priming pulse worsens cold starting, increase your cranking PW until it works.
Posted: Dec 23, 2012 9:06 PM
by FirstFives Dictator
I normally use .1 if I want no prime
At 0, the fuel pump doesn't run at power up.
Posted: Dec 23, 2012 10:28 PM
by turbodan
FirstFives Dictator wrote:I normally use .1 if I want no prime
At 0, the fuel pump doesn't run at power up.
Thats good thinkin.