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CSB & poly fill

Posted: Sep 14, 2018 3:00 AM
by Nebraska_e28
Has anyone poly filled a center support bearing successfully? Considering this as reinforcement but concerned if it will stay or fall out.

Re: CSB & poly fill

Posted: Sep 14, 2018 8:46 AM
by ahab
I bought one here from a member who had done it many years ago (Jeremy???) and it worked great. I'm pretty sure it's still in my car in fact. There are threads, as I'm sure you've seen, that discuss durometer and fancy engineering words like that which have an impact on the final result.

Re: CSB & poly fill

Posted: Sep 25, 2018 12:39 PM
by RDAvena
just prep the csb rubber wiping it clean with a bit of acetone prior to filling it with the polyu. This gets rid of that talc
residue on the rubber promoting adhesion.

Did this using the McMaster Carr poly mix on subframe busings for the e28, e53, and the diff mount for the e34.
Just make sure you poke the rubber "webbing" flash that is sometimes left behind. This webbing prevents the poly mix from flowing
from one side of the part to the other. On a csb you may have to drill a few holes in the rubber or cast each side independently.