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Fitting a non center housing turbo on a tcd exhaust manifold?
Posted: Jul 06, 2020 2:19 PM
by Nnobile
Hey all was wondering if anyone has ever fit a tangential turbo on a tcd exhaust manifold? Maybe with a t4 wedge adapter of somesort? My current turbo is a precison 6266, precision doesn't offer an oncenter exhausr housing for it. My old manifold was some kind of an ebay knockoff that i bought used, welds cracked on it after 2 years so i now went with a tcd, not realizing that only on center exhaust housing turbos fit without it hitting the head/valve cover. Any input appreciated. Thanks!
Re: Fitting a non center housing turbo on a tcd exhaust manifold?
Posted: Jul 06, 2020 9:13 PM
by tschultz
Nick, I'm no help on the tangential discharge manifold but if things don't work out I still have callaway log manifold if you still need a different manifold.
But since I know your power goals, At that point I'd think you might be better off selling the tcd log manifold and getting the authentic rapidspool manifold.
Can you flip the tcd manifold to be top mount??
Re: Fitting a non center housing turbo on a tcd exhaust manifold?
Posted: Jul 07, 2020 1:34 AM
by Nnobile
Is the callaway log manifold similar to the tcd? And hmm ive never heard of the rapidspool, il look it up. The TCD i have is a top mount and unfortunatelly it doesn't fit.
Re: Fitting a non center housing turbo on a tcd exhaust manifold?
Posted: Jul 07, 2020 1:40 AM
by Nnobile
Do you happen to know if the rapid spool one fits under the hood without any issues? My old one looks like a version of the rapid spool except mine had to wastegate ports. I am a little wearly of something like that cracking on my again but i do believe it would flow better then the tcd
Re: Fitting a non center housing turbo on a tcd exhaust manifold?
Posted: Jul 07, 2020 9:59 AM
by tschultz
Rapidspool is good quality, made by user Good&Tight on this forum:
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=39675&p=555877&hili ... ld#p555877
He may be out of stock from what I heard but it fit's e28 well.
Callaway log looks like this. It it bottom mount so you may not want. It did have more space between the block and the compressor than the TCD manifold, however.
Be aware you would need 533/633 pass. engine mount arm to make it work.
Comparing vs TCD
Re: Fitting a non center housing turbo on a tcd exhaust manifold?
Posted: Jul 07, 2020 3:41 PM
by Nnobile
Thanks for the photos Tom. I will hold off on the Calaway manifold thank you though. My old manifold appears to be made by rapid spools they seem to be identical except for i have 2 wastegate ports on mine. Granted i did buy it 2nd hand, im afraid of the design failing on me again i have multiple cracks through the welds and pieces of the manifold internally came apart and damaged the exhaust side compressor wheel. May try to make my own t4 wedge adapter to offset the turbo a bit or if it comes down to it will have to buy a different turbo... hate to have to part ways with the precision 6266