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RECARO SEATS - San Francisco Bay Area -SOLD!!!!!!!!

Posted: Feb 11, 2008 2:08 PM
Recaro LSL Black Monza seats (2). These seats are in excellent condition! They already have the E28 mounting brackets and are ready to install. If you want to mount them in something else you will probably have to buy the correct brackets from Recaro. The LSL model means: LS= large supportive back designed for spirited driving and L= large full support seat cushion with thigh extensions. Thus LSL. I am the original owner. If you are having back problems from those old beat up horse hair original seats then these ar for you. I want $750 firm. I will email pics if I can't figure out how to attach them.

No these were not junk sold and resold. I was the original owner and provided the buyer with all original receipts and documents. They were near new condition!! Corner Carver is the happy owner!!! Good to read the feedback as it will make me cautious about shipping anything with out payment in full

Posted: Feb 11, 2008 3:55 PM
by Corner Carver
Pictures please!

Posted: Feb 11, 2008 8:47 PM
by SF-535is
pm sent. just waiting for pics. Thanks. :banana: :banana:

Posted: Feb 11, 2008 10:23 PM
by SD45T-2
i hope these arent the ones Raj just sold for $300

Posted: Feb 13, 2008 10:10 AM
by BDK
I sold a set in SF that there is still a balance of $300 owed...
I would like to see pics, just to see who ended up with them...

"Some" of you Cali guys don't pay in full for parts...

Ari got me for $500, euro lights/Mtech pieces

and this other guy got me for $300 out of $650...
for the Factory E28 Recaro LS's.....

Posted: Feb 13, 2008 11:04 AM
by ///ARINUTS...
BNC wrote:Yeah,
I sold a set in SF that there is still a balance of $300 owed...
I would like to see pics, just to see who ended up with them...

"Some" of you Cali guys don't pay in full for parts...

Ari got me for $500, euro lights/Mtech pieces

and this other guy got me for $300 out of $650...
for the Factory E28 Recaro LS's.....
ME?? I'm not a west coaster.

Posted: Feb 13, 2008 12:08 PM
by Shawn D.
///ARINUTS... wrote:
BNC wrote:Yeah,
I sold a set in SF that there is still a balance of $300 owed...
I would like to see pics, just to see who ended up with them...

"Some" of you Cali guys don't pay in full for parts...

Ari got me for $500, euro lights/Mtech pieces

and this other guy got me for $300 out of $650...
for the Factory E28 Recaro LS's.....
ME?? I'm not a west coaster.
I think we've had the discussion before that the "Ari" in question is not you, but Ari Mangawune (sp?), who ripped off a number of folks.

Vigilante Justice

Posted: Feb 13, 2008 3:14 PM
by bigdaddy
If anyone can ID someone who has stiffed someone else, I would be up for organizing a road trip of fellow board members to pay a little visit to them....

schyster'ing should not be tolerated IMHO, but hey, what do I know, we only stopped tar and feathering folks a few years ago here in Bama (it tends to stir up the community and make for a more exciting college football season).